Posts written by "qualcuno"

view post Posted: 13/9/2011, 16:14     Suggestions - International Users
A 2D GE had been suggested even by someone else, if I well remember. Unfortunately lack of time is the main problem (properly there is only one programmer...)
view post Posted: 11/9/2011, 10:31     Suggestions - International Users

I'm not the programmer, but I'll say my ideas.

...after a very disappointing European Tournament for my country (Croatia) and myself...

Let's forget this <_<

1. Key shortcuts
Is it possible to add key shortcuts while in a match, so it would be easier for us to control the pace of the game? For example, space would start/stop the time and T (or something else) would call for time out. Maybe we could even have numbers (1, 2, 3, 4...) for specific plays, but I find the one earlier mentioned as more important.

Personally I like this idea very much :)
For example, using F1-F12 keys to select a player, for substitutions, and so on.

2. Delegation
No one can keep track of everything, not even the best of managers. Therefore, I suggest the possibility of giving some elements like setting ticket prices or merchandise management to your assistants because these two are not the main focus of a manager. Therefore, we could decide wheter we want to manage it ourselves or delegate it to one of our minions :)

The problem is that it should be based on your minions' skill level, then. I wouldn't be happy if I managed a little team my sharp marketing "expert" decided to produce ten times the number of t-shirt I needed...

3. Menu navigation
For now, we can only access certain menu section if we click on it's icon. Would it be possible to extend this to this icon's name? For example, would it be possible for us to go to main squad by clicking it's section name, not only the icon?

It's a technical issue, I can't answer to this.
4. Dynamic league reputations
Every division has it's own reputation according which fans decide wheter to go to their team's games or buy their merchandise. Is it possible to make changes so the league reputation would be dynamic? For example, if Cedevita or Partizan win Euroleague once or several times, they (and their league) would attract more interest - fir of all with fans who would come to their games more often and would buy more merchandise, than the sponsors who would pay more money and after all, the players who would be more agreeable to join those teams because they had a great success and are now, because of them, playing in better leagues?

There should already be something similar, based on the overall strength of your team.
However, consider that in countries like Greece, Israel, the presence of teams like Pana, Olimpiakos, Maccabi doesn't give that interest in their country leagues also in real basket (for example Pana & Oli often threaten to leave the greek League...)

5. Fonts
OK, this one I know is real rubbish, but I just HAVE to ask it: would it be possible to play this game with larger fonts? For example, I have rather poor sight and am managing my PC with large resolution and fonts. Mozilla helps me with zooming, too. So, whenever I want to play this game, I have to change resolution (OK, that is necessary) and font size and therefore, have to log off. After that, I start using Magnifier and enjoy the game. Is it possible to make the game ignore our font size and use it's own, so we don't have to adjust it before and after the game? OK, I know this one is totally low priority, but nevertheless, I just couldn't resist :)

See 3. Even if I'd say that in some screen there is not space enough for bigger fonts, I fear.

I know the developers are trying very hard with limited budgets and I hope some day, it would be possible to implement one of these suggestions. I would like to thank you in advance for your response and wish you the best of luck in developing this game.

Actually we're trying to update the minor Italian Leagues. They completely changed the format and they decided to choose quite a twisted one. They are driving Kostia crazy :P
edit: 6. Oh yes, would it be possible to drag the 2pts/3pts ball in the match so we wouldn't have to click zillion times for it to reach from one end to another? Or if not, could we click and hold that arrow at one end only once so the ball would continue to go to that end?

You don't need to click on the arrow, you can click also directly on the bar, so one click it's enough.
view post Posted: 8/9/2011, 08:16     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
Io sto 10-2, primo posto di conference. Anche nell'altra conference la prima ha quel record, il problema è che su 10 partite rimaste 6 sono in trasferta.
view post Posted: 23/8/2011, 17:24     window mode? - International Users
About the window doesn't exist.

About the should make them change DPI on their computer to 96, by going to control panel (if they have WinXP here it is a little guide)
view post Posted: 22/8/2011, 16:10     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
CITAZIONE (bromo @ 22/8/2011, 16:11) 
CITAZIONE (nemicoditutti @ 20/8/2011, 21:09) 

La maggiore esperienza mi ha chiaramente regalato una meritata vittoria u.u

o forse no... :(BM):

citter taz
view post Posted: 18/8/2011, 15:45     Foto Palazzetti - Sviluppo del gioco
Il Lukoil (BUL) ha come palazzo principale (quello dove va a fare le coppe e quant'altro) L'Universiada Hall (3000 posti, qui la pagina wiki)

E poi una foto migliore del Rilski (sempre bulgaro)
view post Posted: 17/8/2011, 11:19     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
Vittoria di 70 fuori casa, l'altra mi lascia campo libero.

Record perfetto, e sabato c'è bromo in casa...
view post Posted: 13/8/2011, 19:57     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
Vittoria semplice 80-111 contro la seconda, si vola 5-0 e due vittorie di vantaggio su tutti
view post Posted: 10/8/2011, 07:40     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
Vittoria semplice, l'avversario non si impegna, 76-105 e 4-0 il record.
view post Posted: 5/8/2011, 14:22     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
Te ne avrei spaccati un paio, sicuramente 4kv6f07

Comunque, un paio di giocatori in vendita a basso costo, il primo scade stasera, il secondo domenica:

Suhaizi bin Puteh (21303523) Guardia
Stipendio settimanale: $ 4 082
Ruolo: inutile

DMI: 11700
Età: 18
Altezza: 6'1" / 185 cm
Potenziale: bandiera della squadra
Forma: rispettabile
Tiro in sosp.: sufficiente Distanza di tiro: rispettabile
Dif. perimetrale: rispettabile Palleggio: scarso
Penetrazione: rispettabile Passaggio: inadeguato
Tiro da sotto: scarso Difesa in area: atroce
Rimbalzo: pietoso Stoppata: inadeguato
Resistenza: scarso Tiri liberi: rispettabile

Esperienza: atroce

Calogero Dalla Ba (4638952) Ala piccola
Stipendio settimanale: $ 6 969
Ruolo: inutile

DMI: 42600
Età: 31
Altezza: 6'0" / 183 cm
Potenziale: riserva
Forma: forte
Tiro in sosp.: forte Distanza di tiro: rispettabile
Dif. perimetrale: rispettabile Palleggio: rispettabile
Penetrazione: inadeguato Passaggio: mediocre
Tiro da sotto: mediocre Difesa in area: forte
Rimbalzo: rispettabile Stoppata: inadeguato
Resistenza: mediocre Tiri liberi: atroce

Esperienza: rispettabile
view post Posted: 5/8/2011, 12:45     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
CITAZIONE (michel-5 @ 5/8/2011, 10:47) 
Vengo subito buttato fuori dalla coppa, in casa contro una V (!).

Copio e incollo il tuo messaggio...
view post Posted: 3/8/2011, 12:27     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
Vinco in casa piccando 93-100 contro una delle squadre più forti della serie, 2-0 il record.
view post Posted: 1/8/2011, 11:27     Contiamo - Off-Topic!
Con ventiquattromila (e nove) baci....
view post Posted: 30/7/2011, 21:21     Buzzerbeater - Off-Topic!
Vinco la prima in trasferta 96-90, ma mi si rompe subito il C titolare :(
1872 replies since 1/7/2007