PCF 1.0.3 Version

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view post Posted on 20/3/2011, 21:59     +1   -1

Hi all,

the new version will be available very soon, check out the download section.

Here's the changelog:

- IMPORTANT: PCF11 is now also in French!!
- IMPORTANT: better realism in rebounds, assists and points distribution among players. Now we have more realistic stats
- new feature: annual budget for arena maintenace, the more you spend, the less you have to rebuild seats
- new feature: upload your progress to PCF11 server, to compare your skills with all the players around the world!
- new accurate salary amount for player with top skills in certain attributes
- staff members have now less expensive salaries (more improvement about this in the future)
- improved salary system when buying players from other countries/leagues
- improved cash and salary cap calculation at season beginning: now users who reduced salaries are not penalized in the following year
- improved calculation for sponsorship: now less random and more based on team's results and targets
- new option in Settings (at game startup): B2D speed, useful to adjust the speed of visual simulation for slower or faster PCs
- added team value display in selection screen (when starting a new game) and now stars are correctly represting the right strength
- fixed a display bug in team comparison in match overview
- fixed a display bug in coach information (happened after 15 seasons of play)
- fixed a translation bug in schemes efficiency
- fixed: sponsorhsip contracts with length longer than current season will be extended for the following season (when resigning with the same team)
- fixed format: EuroChallenge finalist now plays Eurocup the next season
- fixed format: VTB Semifinals with correct pairings

...and don't forget to follow the live ranking here: www.fantacanestro.net/standing.asp

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